Mangarajpur, Jyoti Niketan ( Rajbati) CUTTACK ,754028 +91 9438667086
Arts & Crafts

Silver Filigiri :-

At Cuttack – 20 kms for exquisite silver filigree works ethnically designed by master craftsman of Cuttack, can be seen and bought. This is a traditional art and craft made in silver, which is as old as Orissa itself.

Tribal Artist (3kms) :-

It is very rare , that in this age of digital and make believe art world , you can actualy meet a young original tribal artist, whose traditional tribal art is so pure, you cannot come out without having purchased one for your home.

Metal craft :-

At village Bhatimunda - 25 kms by road One can go back in time and see a village blacksmiths using age old techniques and methods to produce brass metal utensils and objects.

Dhokra works :- 50 kms by road. Traditional craft of metal casting which dates back to 3000 years are still practised as daily bread and butter for some people of this particular village. Exqusite cratmanship will hold you spell bound for hours.


Mangarajpur, Jyoti Niketan ( Rajbati) CUTTACK ,754028

+91 94386670860

Designed by The-Unique-Culture